Heavy Metal Detoxification

You will begin to discover that although some natural metals are completely normal, our over exposure to them in our beauty products, teeth fillings, and in canned foods has taken a huge toll in our lives and have started to enter our bodies in dangerous amounts.
Suffering from extreme mercury poisoning myself, I had to take matters into my own hands since there isn’t really any treatment in flushing out metals out of your system. Functional Medicine AKA food is the way to go.
We want our bodies to be toxin free.
Identifying and resolving these high levels of heavy metals in your body is an important part of optimising your health in every way. We will be working closely over a span of 6 months to help reverse the neurological damage over your memory, energy, sexuality, overall mental health back in order.
Suffering from extreme mercury poisoning myself, I had to take matters into my own hands since there isn’t really any treatment in flushing out metals out of your system. Functional Medicine AKA food is the way to go.
What are the symptoms of heavy metal in the body?
Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, tingling in hands and feet, shortness of breath.
How do I test for metal toxicity?
Either by a complete blood test, kidney functions test, urine analysis, liver function tests.
What can heavy metal presence in my body cause?
It can cause many metabolic damages and therefore disrupt function in vital organs such as liver, kidney, heart and brain. It also displace the vitamins and minerals you think you are ingesting, hindering their function.

What to expect from The Talking Birdy
PCOS package
- 3 Month
- Free consultation
- 2 sessions per month
- 45-50mn session duration